four male employees laying a cement foundation for a private home

Do you have a large DIY concrete project on the horizon? A patio planned for some epic BBQs? Maybe a custom retaining wall?

Before you jump in and start your groundwork, there’s one step you don’t want to skip: figuring out how much concrete you need with a concrete calculator.

Use the calculator below to help you calculate how much concrete you’ll need for your project. This tool will help you calculate using the three most common types of concrete “shapes” you run into in the DIY world.


Flat surfaces

Think patio slabs, foundations, footings, or walls

thickness or height

Empty circle

Think a hole or footing for columns or other structures

depth or height


Think columns holding up a bridge or a wood deck

outer diameter
inner diameter
length or height

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For projects of any size

Whether you’re a homeowner looking to build a new patio, or a contractor working on a new store or residence, we can help.